Tag: exercise


Exercise Myths Busted

Let’s clear up some common myths and misconceptions about exercise to help you get the most from your time spent in the gym

Resistance bands

Resistance bands – The miracle home-workout band

Gaining in popularity, especially with the rise of the home-workout movement – resistance bands are fast going from one of the most underrated workout tools to an essential. Athletes, as well as people trying to get fit across the world are finding more ways to use these miracle bands in their workouts, from the comfort […]

Skinny fat feature image

What it means to be ‘skinny-fat’ – it’s worse than you think

‘Skinny-fat’ is one of the latest terms thrown around nowadays within the fitness industry and social circles, describing one’s body composition. An obvious oxymoron – how can someone be described as being both skinny and fat? What does ‘skinny-fat’ even mean? Well, let’s break it down… A simple google search will give you an array […]